18 June 2009

zoo tour, part four

joel holds prada

after my thrilling experiences with all those other animals i told you 'bout i couldnt even begin to imagine what my zookeeper tour guide had in store for me next. i figured it out when we walked through a door that said reptile husbandry. gulp.

this is the outdoor gator. he is like 13 feet long. jerry hopped down there and fed him meat on a stick while entertaining the crowd with anecdotes and factoids. gator munched the stick and bent it. nom nom nom.

there were two giant inside gators. dont be fooled though, these are NOT albinos. just very very pale. neither one of them were hungry and wouldnt eat the meat pieces because they were too cold. someone left the air conditioner on for too long. wah waaaahhhh. look at all those losers on the other side of the glass with no zookeeper friends. LOSERS. be jelly.

this one never took his oily scheming eye off of me the entire time we were there. you can see from the photo that there was a clear lighted path between him and me... with nothing but an open gate to stop him from tearing into my sunburnt flesh. luckily he was too cold to move.

i named this one prada. he was small enough for me to hold, and boy did i. i wasnt surprised that alligators are pretty chilly, but i was surprised that this one seemed pretty fragile underneath. the top is definitely scaly, but i could feel bones and organs and everything. super cool.

next time on my behind the scenes zoo tour...a recreation of the most heartbreaking scene commited to celluloid. makes me cry no matter what.


kylie said...

i wish that you would prove that you held an alligator. because i certainly don't believe you.

are they cold like a vampire? like edward cullen?

Melissa said...

im distracted by the jorts and tevas that one inside gator is sporting. eeeew.

joel said...

how am i supposed to take pictures when im holding a WILD animal with hate in its heart.

Melissa said...

Joel...you have three arms!

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