04 June 2009

self-sustained water-based living

ONE afternoon last week, Mary Mattingly, a 30-year-old sculptor and photographer who has been living in a two-bedroom walk-up in Queens, gave a reporter a tour of her new home, a 30-by-100-foot barge moored at the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

“This is the living quarters,” Ms. Mattingly said, standing on deck and pointing to a half-built shed made of scrap wood. “And over here,” she continued, walking toward an area enclosed by an iron fence, “is where the greenhouse will be.” (nytimes)

thx g.

1 comment:

joel said...

kylie and i are going to build one of these out of empty beer cans and live it in.

does anyone want to document this for a reality show for us all to make money?

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