30 June 2009

"we dont go to the movies just to never tell anyone"

last night i saw transformers 2: revenge of the fallen.

it was a loud mess of robot parts, megan fox's boobs, sand, and lens flares. the action was fast, and the camera was always moving, making it difficult to get too clear a read on anything that was going on. the good news is that the story is paper thin and full of holes, so the less attention you paid the better off you were. there were incredible errors in geography and common sense and continuity. robots that we thought were dead aren't dead, AND... its racist. two of the new robots are twins that speak in a sort of jive/ebonics, claim not to read too much, and one has a gold tooth. apparently minstrelsy isn't limited to southern frat houses.

don't go see it. don't put it in your queue. just forget it ever happened.

0 biscuits.

1 comment:

kylie said...

"Not all fans were offended. Twin brothers Jason and William Garcia, 18, who saw the movie in Miami, said they related to the characters -- not their illiteracy, but their bickering."


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