29 July 2009

tales from the south : atlanta round-up

one thing you might not know about me, is that i was born in atlanta, georgia...

in this very hospital, in fact. this was the first place i ever WAS.

some of my family still lives there, and i went down to visit my aunt laurie and uncle mark and cousin stanley this past weekend.

while i was in town, i found out that a big group of my murfreesboro friends who now live in atl were having a cook out, so i went to visit!
from left-to-right in an up-and-down zig-zag pattern: dale, eric, stacey, bill, me, michelle, will gill, matt ferry, and tyler.

this is billy! i credit him with the esteemed title of "my oldest friend". what an honor! we've known each other since 3rd grade, when i moved to tennessee in 1991. that means we've been friends for 18 years! omg.

as every good cook-out does, this one led to a trip to the strip clurb. this wasn't just any strip clurb, however. this is the clermont lounge, which came highly recommended by john, i should say. it is atlanta's oldest strip club, and it seemed to employ atlanta's oldest strippers (tyler's tagline: "where strippers go to die")

we found this vols car on the way home. isnt it gorgeous?

stacey and dale were nice enough to let me stay with them in their apartment along this ridiculously long hallway.

lola! wanna go to the roof?! wanna go for an elevator ride?!? huh?!

the view from stacey and dale's roof in midtown! pretty!

big thanks to everyone mentioned here for the hospitality and a great visit!


thomas wilhelm said...

ah, the clermont clerb. where i lost my innocence. i wish you would've snapped a few photos of the ladies inside.

kylie said...

i got a stern warning during our little photoshoot outside....or i would have.

moll said...

You were in town?! You were at midcity lofts- I am frequently there have a few friends living there.

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