17 November 2009

for thomas wilhelm, from melissa

there is another story making the rounds on the internet about a fifth grader in arkansas who has been exercising his constitutional right to remain silent during the recitation of the pledge of allegiance at his school. he believes that until "liberty and justice for all" extends to all gay and lesbian americans, that he should remain silent.

this pissed off his substitute teacher, and they ended up sniping back and forth and he was eventually sent to the principal. the principal called his mother, and she decided that it was actually the substitute who should be apologizing to her son. sweet.

i just cant believe that this is all happening in rural arkansas.

1 comment:

kylie said...

"in the halls, and the cafeteria, i've been repeatedly called a 'gaywad'."

that kid is smart. and a little bit of a gaywad.

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