13 January 2010

and the devil said..."okay, it's a deal!"

i know lane kiffin just left the vols, and that's big news, but there was also a massive 7.0 earthquake in haiti yesterday. and wouldn't you know it, pat robertson says it happened because the haitian people made a deal with the devil to aid them in their struggle for independence from the french in the late 1790's and early 1800's.

when i heard this, i was naturally incredulous, but i was also confused. i know pat robertson is crazy, but this accusation seemed so much more vague and frivolous than his typical "____ happened because of homos, or legal abortion." so i went a looking, and it turns out there really are certain sects of fundamental christians who believe haiti made a deal with satan during their revolution from france, and is eternally cursed with poverty and disaster as a result. cute.

jicyww, 80% of haitians profess roman catholicism as their faith, 16% protestant, and hatian voodoo makes up and undetermined percentage of the population.

i also found this article on black and christian.com (double cute) about how that old missionary tale is not based in any fact. surprise!

1 comment:

kylie said...

i liked when he said "true story."


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