21 January 2010

Whytes Only

A new Basketball league is forming in Augusta, Georgia. The group is open to "players that are natural born United States citizens with both parents of Caucasian race." The theory is that there is a fundamental difference between the way that players of different races apprach the game of basketball. The founder, Don "Moose" Lewis, appears to hope that his league will be comprised of like-minded individuals who will complete chest passes and bank shots. As a coach and a player, I can promise you, dear readers, that Moose is in for a rude awakening. The game of basketball has changed. MORE

*Hoosiers, not Moose.


bun-bun said...


Kylie told me she's supporting Murfreesboro's bid to get a team.

kylie said...

no one wants to watch white people play basketball.

joel said...

unless its jason williams or someone else who plays black

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