09 February 2010

omg clurb thurmbz!!

g.animalz spotted it weeks ago, while watching jennifer's body. megan fox has got baby thumbs. once you know, it's all you ever see. so, it seemed an odd choice by motorola to cast her in their super bowl commercial, where she pushes buttons on one of their mobile devices while taking a bath, a task that calls an unusual amount of attention to one's thumbs.

well, it turns out, she's got an actual medically-defined condition. it's called brachylachyclurbthurmb, and she sold out a whole community of fellow sufferers by employing a thumb double in the commercial.

and guess what else! that bitch has clurbtoez too!!!!

Dr. Richard Kim, director of congenital hand surgery at Hackensack Medical Center, notes that the thumb is the most important finger of all.

"You need it to be able to touch the other fingers and it is important for pinching," he says. "In Megan Fox’s case, it appears that only the last bone of the thumb is affected and that it does not involve the joint. For her, it looks like it’s just a cosmetic deficit."

In some cases, people with clubbed thumbs often have the same condition with their toes.

Brace yourselves: this feature also applies to Fox.

aaaahahahaHA AH aahAHha. ah ha. ha.


DJV said...

Teradactyl-y thumbs is more like it.

joel said...

ive never been able to look at her the same way since i found out she was from kingsport, tn.

what a trashball

kylie said...

what! i had no idea she was a tennessean.

good for her.

Blake said...

I just died a little on the inside.

joel said...

EAST tennessee.... where jesus goes to die

kylie said...

i just read she's from roane county. and you're right. that shit is unforgivable.

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