01 April 2010

saddle shoes: didn't go anywhere, but they're back

you all know that i am a big believer in the internet rule of three. i mean if you randomly find the same obscure reference three times, then that means the internet is trying to tell you something.

1) janelle monae (aka lady andre 3000) looks hot in her saddle shoes in the tightrope video

2) ktv mentioned to me several days ago, before i blogged tightrope, that she wishes she had never gotten rid of her saddle shoes from her childhood.

3) thomas wilhelm commented on the video that he wants to wear saddle shoes now too.

these arent all random internet references, but i still think this counts.


Unknown said...

Today I saw 3 different statuses wherein people were claiming to have seen Matt Damon (in 3 different cities) last night. Plz interpret.

thomas wilhelm said...

over the past 6 months or so, i've seen at least 2 ladies wearing saddle shoes. one dapper lez, and one park slope stroller pusher.

joel said...

im nost sure im happy following the lead of park slope stroller pusher.

i have no problem dressing like a dapper lez.

Unknown said...

I have wanted a pair for a while.. way to post this! now I have to get some

Anonymous said...

anyone know where I can get the ones janelle monae is wearing in her Tightrope video?

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