14 June 2010

the biggest queen in england

last week, 79 year old lord tebbit, a british conservative and a real c-u-next-tuesday, said this regarding president obama and his condemnation of BP and their unprecedented oil spill :

"The whole might of American wealth and technology is displayed as utterly unable to deal with the disastrous spill - so what more natural than a crude, bigoted, xenophobic display of partisan political Presidential petulance against a multinational company?"

awww. sad. poor little ol' BP, one of the largest corporations in the world, getting beat up just for pouring 90 million (and counting) barrels of oil into the gulf of mexico, causing as-of-yet untold economic and environmental damage. oyr, gmafb. btw, nice alliteration you old ass BITCHHHH. [via]

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