17 June 2010

on top of things.

Apple and its partners started taking orders for the iPhone 4 on Tuesday. On Wednesday morning, AT&T Inc., the exclusive carrier in the U.S., had stopped taking orders, saying it had to focus on fulfilling orders already received.

At midday Wednesday, Apple was accepting orders only for black models, and would only guarantee shipment by July 2. The white model was unavailable for order.

Tuesday's ordering was marred by two major problems: Buyers reported problems registering their orders and an apparent glitch in AT&T's website was steering some customers into strangers' accounts. Lines formed in stores as clerks tried to get orders into their systems.

"Many customers were turned away or abandoned the process in frustration. We apologize to everyone who encountered difficulties," Apple said in a statement Wednesday. (via)

hope you got yours, because they are now backordered up to a month, and they're not taking any more new orders "for a while." get it together, at&t.

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