04 June 2010

SATC2 : movie review

well, last night i was invited to join my mom and her friends for a good ol' fashioned suburban viewing of sex and the city 2. 

i give it 5 gaycist and racist biscuits. even their outfits were racist. and carrie told their escort that her flight on the middle eastern airline was like a magic carpet ride.

i will say that i was thoroughly entertained throughout, and they got a few laughs out of me. i won't go into specifics, because there was just too much, but everyone should see it. if they're lucky, this will become a cult classic.

fave line (impossible to choose, but i think it sums up the tone of the whole movie):

"i can't be in menopause AND in coach!!!!" - samantha

what was your favorite moment?

1 comment:

thomas wilhelm said...

ugh, thank god someone else said it. gaycist, gaycist, gaycist.

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