03 February 2011

look at egypt!

last night the protesting went completely off-the-fucking-rails. i watched some live coverage on rachel maddow, and folks were running around beating each other up, throwing molotov cocktails, and just generally burning shit to the fucking ground. there were tanks driving this way and that, shooting out smoke screens for people to escape under. the military was firing "warning shots" every 15 seconds. shit got real real, real fast.

in related news, thomas wilhelm and i thought it might be fun to organize a similar-style protest of the law that was passed in nyc yesterday banning smoking in parks. i'm thinking union square. wanna come? will you pick up some alcohol and bottles and rags? k thx.

1 comment:

joel said...

i'll bring some cigarettes to smoke while we burn the place to the motherfucking ground.

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