02 June 2011

why don't you try learning something for once?

have you been following the DISUNION blerg like i told you to? i didn't think so. well, you may have noticed in our sidebar ------------------> that today's entry focuses on tennessee's secession (we were the last one, that counts for something right?) check this shit out:
Still, Tennessee remained divided throughout the war. About a quarter of all the men who went off to fight did so for the North. Unionism remained especially strong in the mountains, but also in pockets throughout the state. Bedford County, south of Nashville in Middle Tennessee, supplied an equal number of troops to the North and the South. Its county seat, Shelbyville, became such a pro-Northern hotbed that it became known as “Little Boston.” One of the ironies of the war was that Nathan Bedford Forrest, the much revered Confederate general, took his middle name from his Unionist birthplace. More significantly, following Tennessee’s departure from the Union, Andrew Johnson retained his seat in the United States Senate, becoming the only representative from a seceded state to remain in Congress.
Ironies in Tennessee continued. Because it was largely occupied by Union troops in early 1863, it was unaffected by the Emancipation Proclamation. As the war was drawing to a close, Tennessee voters approved a constitutional amendment that abolished slavery in the state, and in 1866, with Andrew Johnson then occupying the White House, the state approved the 14th Amendment over Johnson’s objections. With ratification a congressional requirement, Tennessee thus became the first former Confederate state to be readmitted to the Union.
as bun-bun was quick to point out, the entry also (falsely) portrays east tennesseans as level-headed, just, and humane in their unwillingness to secede over the right to slave-ownin', but we all know they were just jellybeanz that their dumb mountains prevented them from having lush plantations like the other, fairer regions of the state.


bun-bun said...

why don't you take a hike kylie?
a really exciting hike through the flat fields of nothing you'll find in your racist parts.

joel said...

don't even get me started bun bun.

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