25 August 2011

melissa and joel discuss the hunger games (book 2)


me: well
what are Katniss and the gang up to?
Melissa: ugh
im only in chapter 3
we just found out that president snow knows about her kiss
the team is there prepping her for the tours
am reading as we speak
me: stupid president snow
and his sickly sweet smell
Melissa: im still curious why his breath smells like blood
Melissa: oh no
haymitch says she has to live happily ever after w peeta!
me: doesnt sound like much of a punishment to me
Melissa: ctm
do you love peeta?
me: duh
all that bread and cupcakes
me: do you think it would be scary or fun to go to the beach when a hurrican is coming?
Melissa: oooo
but depending where you are
i wouldnt want to be in the carribean right now
but i would face it in the carolinas!
just the idea that the island could disappear freaks me out
me: im supposed to go to montauk this weekend
google that on the map and see if you would want to be there
Melissa: oh my NO WAY
me: ctm
looks prime for being wiped off the map, right?
Melissa: uhhh, yes
especially that first look when it's zoomed in on google map
when you back out its not as scary but only bc it like disappears from sight!
just like you are gunna do when Irene gets ya
Melissa: JOEL!
they killed the sweet old man from district 11
oh my word
this book
me: which old man?
the one from the Haim?
Melissa: the one that whistled Rue's tune
me: oooh
yeah the district dont play
Melissa: oh no
he proposed
i cant help but feel sorry for peeta
he loves her dearly!
Melissa's new status message - omg book 2 is too much! 10:56 AM
me: he always has
she has a little trouble deciding on her own feelings, but thats just a 16 year old girl for you i guess
Melissa: sigh
Melissa: oh no
this poor girl
ugh. katniss
me: ctm
whatever poor girl has two studs that want to be her baby daddy
Melissa: oh joel
i wish you were reading a long with me
me: i already know what youre going through
Melissa: joel joel joel
me: what?
Melissa: this book
will you come read me the rest of it
me: hahaha
Melissa: i wish i had it on tape so i could listen to it at work
its hard to keep my book hidden
ill send a picture of my set-up
me: yay


kylie said...

best part:

Melissa: im still curious why his breath smells like blood

joel said...

Just wait until she finds out what Buttercup is really up to...

Melissa said...

omg omg...who is buttercup?!?!

kylie said...

Buttercup is president snow! Or ISN'T he?! ...or is SHE?!?!111

Liz said...

oh melissa i'm jeally...you're about to make so many new friends!

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