30 August 2011


i have a proposal for a little friendly competition!!

three of 2Pz most avid readers also happen to have three great puppies. coincidence? idts. after noticing the juxtaposition of bella's new trick and that semi-human-ing dog....i thought: gosh, would i love to see a dog i know do some humaning. so i propose a triple-face-off, between:

1) hank baker mooney
2) isabella swan
3) yella bear jackson

submit some photos of your pups looking really dignified and sitting like a person. and we'll have a poll to choose the winner. ok?!


joel said...

what an exciting opportunity for these dogs.

rachel said...

What's my deadline?

kylie said...

treat it like a race.

Erin said...

i have an oldie i can go ahead and submit but i do have nothing to do today so we will just have to see what hank is in the mood for.

Melissa said...

"working" on it...

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