12 December 2011

we back pat

the lady vols graced new york with their presence this weekend, and they won by like a million, like always. today's times features pat summitt and what might be her final season.
Orange-clad loyalists still follow Summitt and company out of Knoxville wherever they go. Clusters made up a large portion of the crowd at Madison Square Garden on Sunday, when the Lady Vols posted a routine 84-61 victory over DePaul in the second game of the annual Maggie Dixon Classic doubleheader.
In the second half of the Baylor game, Summitt walked out to center court to receive the Dixon award, named for the former Army coach who died of heart failure just short of her 29th birthday in 2006. When Summitt passed the Baylor bench on the way back to the locker room, Mulkey broke her timeout huddle and gave her old friend a hug.
“I just told her I loved her,” she said. (via)

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