10 January 2012

What's a Moc?

In the comments of my post about Chattanooga being a nice place to visit, friend of the blog Melissa mistakenly asserted that my label should read "go MOCKINGBIRDS" instead of the customary "go vols." First of all, don't tell me what to do. Second of all,  I didn't know there were UT's anywhere besides knoxville and i would assume that they were Vols too... or at least Smokeys. It turns out she was telling the truth and that they are Mockingbirds!

 A Moc is Mockingbird that drives the Chattanooga Choo-Choo!

They were water moccasins in the twenties, then they were just moccasins, then they were as Kylie so eloquently put it "racist-ass moccasins." Named after this pretend Chief Moccasin.

In my research, I cam across this photo. I like Memphis basketball (go tigers go) but this D has taken it TOO FAR. You can't drag a smokey through the streets. I think it's against the law. If not, it ought to be, and at the very least it's declasse. for SHAME!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i will pop that mouth of yours next time i see it.

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