06 April 2012

your fortnightly (ghost) boat!

oh haiye y'all! here i am. check out this ghost ship!!
With the threat to Alaska's marine life looming, United States Coast Guard brought an end to the eerie story of Japan's drifting ghost ship by unleashing cannon fire and sinking the vessel in what experts deemed the most environmentally-safe location on Thursday. The Ryou-Un Maru, which news outlets have dubbed the 'Ghost Ship', was dislodged and set adrift off the shores of Hokkaido during last year's tsunami and according to CNN (video below), "drifted undetected until late last month when a Canadian coastal air patrol spotted it several hundred miles off the Queen Charlotte Islands, and archipelago on the north coast of British Columbia." (via)


Unknown said...

KYLIE! I've missed your posts all week! I know it hasn't really been a whole week, but the blog (readers) has been missing you!

kylie said...

it's been TWO weeks! but its good friday and if zombie jesus can crawl out of his tomb on sunday, i think i can take a quick blogging break at work.

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