06 December 2013

tell me more about maria de blasio wilhelm

kylie's post about bill de blasio and his apparent tardiness issues made me wonder about what kind of lady his mother might be. everyone knows loving moms make the best alarm clocks.

anywho, turns out the man we know as bill de blasio was born to maria de blasio wilhelm, and was named warren wilhelm jr after his father. his dad had some post traumatic war issues and divorced maria when bill was young. she raised her three boys on her own in cambridge, mass. the daughter of italian immigrants from the city of Sant'Agata de' Goti, she grew up in manhattan, went to college at smith, and later worked for time magazine as a researcher and the office of war information which broadcast news programs into fascist controlled italy. in 1988 she wrote and published a book titled The Other Italy: The Italian Resistance in World War II. how accomplished!

she sounds just like another italian american mother that i know: smart, hard working, resourceful, and supportive. mrs. de blasio wilhelm died in 2007, but we can bet she would be so proud of our new mayor. cheers maria de blasio wilhelm! via via via 

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