06 December 2013

2pzGifGuide - Flim

A 2pz Gif(t) Guide? What an amazing idea!

(It was my idea.)

Speaking of taking credit where credit's due, and being generally self-involved, what better topical present to gif(t) someone than this #selfie necklace from Photojojo?!

Only $25 and perfect for blogger egomaniacs, self-obsessed tweens, or people who just don't know when to quit. The Oxford English dictionary even named "selfie" the word of the year! Other versions offered are #nofilter, and an Instagram "Like" Heart.

BTW my Instagram name is @flimlim and I always feel I should get more likes than I do. HAPPY HOLIDAZE!!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

#ctm...we gunna be instagram friends shortly. obviously you'll follow me back #2pzcorrespondents4lyfe

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