09 March 2009

dogs who kiss cats

First things first, dogs kiss cats. We all know it happens, even if we don't know how.

This first post from your animal correspondent attempts to demystify this heart-warming and agonizing phenomena:

1. The curious nuzzle.

Kissing often begins with a cautious sniff. Soon that sniff turns into nuzzling. Why do animals with wet noses insist on touching them to the subject of their sniffs? It's the first step in kissing!

2. Sniff back.

Truth-be-told, cats kiss dogs, too. That pup's first investigations often ignites the curiosity of the cat as well. Sometimes you can even catch them nose-to-nose.

3. What happens next...

Dogs will be dogs, and sometimes that delicate snuffle can turn into a full-on tornado of tongue. Beware kitties--those dogs know no boundaries!

4. OC it ended that way.

Of course, no all bad first experiences put these kitties and puppies off each other for too long. Pretty soon, you'll find them antiquing together and getting their portraits taken in front of their summer cabin on Fire Island--life can end up so beautifully for those brave enough to try!


K + J said...

what a sensitive and thoughtful post with a message

anna lou said...

wow... i always wondered how that happened and now i know! by the way, this is the best blog ever. thanks so much.

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