22 June 2009

weekend movie round-up

i watched a buttload of movies this weekend. what's that you say? you want to know exactly what they were and what my impressions were of each and every one of them? ok!

we wanted to go see the hangover, but it was sold out. this is the third failed attempt to see this movie. maybe i should just go ahead and add it to my netflix queue...

so instead, we watched 2 netflixes. the first was a movie called spring breakdown, starring amy poehler, parker posey, rachel dratch, and kristin callavari. i had never heard of this movie until rachel dratch was on jimmy fallon the other night, and she told me i would really like it and i should watch it. it was pretty dumb, but made me laugh a sufficient number of times. i'd give it about: 6 or 7 biscuits.

after that, it was time for iron man. iron man 2 is coming out next year, and my roommies hadn't seen the first one, so i thought it was important. i've always loved iron man since the first time i saw it at the court street theater and did the iron man hover pose up the escalators with joel. so obvi, 11 biscuits!!!! also, have you noticed that iron man looks just like a blackberry pearl?

on saturday, it was really cloudy and rainy just like it is every day in nyc for the past month. and you know what that always puts me in the mood to watch, don't you? that's right. twilight!! jicydak, i think that movie is 11 biscuits!

on sunday, i woke up to the repurcussions of having 5 too many ginger fizzes at the bubble lounge, aka burble clurb, and was in quite a state. it was one of those lay-down-and-stay-down kind of days, and luckily i had revolutionary road on netflix too! this movie was a dooooozy, and while the themes were quite depressing, the acting was some of the best i've seen. 11 biscuits for sure!

then, i may or may not have watched twilight again. don't you guys wish new moon was out?

after a delicious movie-break dinner, we decided to peruse tho ol' hbo on demand, and came across a topical documentary called the queen and i, about the widow of the former iranian shah. she is still living in exile in paris, and the filmmaker is an iranian woman living in exile in sweden. she was a member of the communist party during the 1979 revolution in which the shah was overthrown. once former enemies....but now? n-e-ways, it was really good. 11 biscuits! check 'er out.

so that's all! what a weekend.


joel said...

awesome. spring breakdown and the queen and i are in my queue. iron man is such a good one. rev road makes my uterus hurt... so does twilight actually.

who wants to go see UP tomorrow at the Paradiso?
they have coke icees if that matters to you..

kylie said...

i'll go. but only for the icees. animated children's movies make MY uterus hurt.

joel said...

PS. iron man looks like an iphone.

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