17 June 2009

zoo tour, part three

giraffes, then kitties, now BEARS.

we were each given a food item to give to the bears. i was given a huge plastic jug of honey. i didnt know WHAT i was supposed to do with that. i just knew i was about to be in heaven.

john was given a couple apples and oranges and tasked with hitting this water filled tub. apparently the bears like to climb in and snack. i beleive it. its the kind of thing a person in a bear suit would do. just sayin.

do. you. see. this.
this bear is fucking waving at me. sniffs the honey i know it. i think this is right before he got tagged with a pear. sorry fuzzy. point of order: did you know that after katrina when the zoo reopened, they let hurricane relief workers in for free because they were afraid the animals were getting depressed from lack of visitors? ctm.

turns out the honey was poured over some holes bored into the apples. i threw one to each of these little guys. so what you heard about bears and honey is true. they cant get enough of the stuff. each the the bears in this pic are enjoying a honey apple i tossed to them.

we're not done yet... stayed tuned for the alligator feeding! GULP.

1 comment:

kylie said...

that bear waving picture is too much. i can't believe you co-existed with that. jelly.

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