23 September 2009

2Pz rOaD tRiP!!

morning y'all! jic you haven't heard already, joel's moving back to memphis for a while. he's got a u-haul all packed, and i'm going to go on a car ride to tennessee with him!!

i know what you're thinking. kylie, what about ME?! well, i'd like to invite you to follow us in real-time as we twitter from the road. joel's a professional, but i have no idea how to do it, so i'll be spending the northern part of new jersey learning. it will be tough with one hand busy holding my nose. but i'm determined.

joel's twitter feeds into this page but can also be monitored here. and i'll be twittering on behalf of 2Pz, which is here. and you know that one will be better. not that it's a competition.

in addition, g.animalz, thomas wilhelm, and starla are sure to keep this blog poppin' off for the remainder of the week.

well, wish us luck! we'll check in when we get to MeMpHiS!!!!


Barbara said...

Two cute!!!

g.animalz said...

and WHOM told you to put those jeans on.

Keekz said...

Haiye yall!!!

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