04 September 2009

we don't watch movies to not tell everyone

When State of Play was in theaters, I never even considered going to go see it. I didn't read a review, and I didn't notice when it showed up on On-Demand. Today I wanted to watch the Watchmen, which is a movie I really enjoyed. Instead, we picked State of Play, and I wasn't disappointed at all. Check out this cast: Russell Crowe (chubby and disheveled), Rachel McAdams (fresh, young, captivating), Ben Affleck (perfect casting for the sleezy politician), Robin Wright Penn (the faithful? wife), Helen Mirren (steely editor with a heart of gold), Jason Bateman (scene stealing in a rare welcome role).

This film plays out like a love song to those newspaperman as detective crime thrillers, and also to the virtue and integrity of print media. Rachel McAdams is the hotshot young blogger that the corporate owners of the newspaper have brought in to help the rag turn a profit. At a point, she even concedes something like, "people need to feel the newsprint on their fingers when they're reading important stories." we get it, journalism is important and the internet is killing newspapers. This movie is what would happen if you took All The President's Men, The Manchurian Candidate, the Chandra Levy murder, the Huffington Post, and put them in a blender. actually add in a big mac because russell crowe looks like he ate a million of them.

the cast is stellar, the story is twisty turny and moves along at a pretty quick pace. Queue it up.... 11 biscuits!!!!

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