15 January 2010

what's for dinner?????

here's a deceptively creepy picture of what was actually a nice, delicious meal prepared and enjoyed by rachel, emily, midge, and i last night. emily roasted a gd chicken. all by herself! and john made these brusselsprouts, in an attempt to convince me to like them. they were good....but i could only eat 2. it takes me about 60 seconds to chew one, so. i made paula deen's crockpot mac-n-cheese, which was just ok. rachel made a blueberry cobbler-y thing, which was delicious even if, as she said, her inability to find apple filling lost some points on the 'all-american' theme. i thought it was as american as blueberry cobbler, myself. and, of course, we polished things off with some tall, cool, bud lights.


sara_jane said...

the key to liking brussell sprouts is taking them apart!

and sauteing the leaves in some olive oil w/ garlic or frying the leaves w/ a simple very light batter.

little solid balls of cabbage aren't good.

joel said...

<3 brussell sprouts. i had some on wednesday.

Susanne said...

Yay, I'm so happy other people like Brussels Sprouts!

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