06 April 2010

I'm the specialist person ever.

Yes, I mean short bus special.

2pz contributor and bangin' Brooklyn blogger G.Animalz has another little blog called Space Shuttle. It took me a bit (by a bit, I mean months - up until 5 minutes ago) to realize why her blog was named such a thing. And I only realized this because I noticed the address of her blog is spacevshuttle.blogspot.com. I thought, "space versus shuttle?" and then it hit me.

I just want to commend you for intriguing me for so long with something so intelligently simple. And I would say exactly what it is, but I'm curious as to how many followers picked up on it. So let me know in the comments. And be honest about how long it was before you realized the connection.


kylie said...

it was my idea so i picked up on it right away. g.animalz lived her whole life without making the connection. and it took me 3 years of knowing her to do so.

i'm just. saying.

ps - LOVE that tag.

Lilly said...

I think it took me a couple of days. It's genius, really.

And you ARE special, Bun Bun.

<3 <3

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