25 May 2010

UPDATE: icing!

omg, joel just threatened to ice me nonstop while i'm in nashville, so i looked into what that meant.

"getting iced" or "icing bros":

from what i can tell, it's like a surprise drunk easter egg hunt game. if you can surprise (or "present")your friend (or bro) with a smirnoff ice in his (or her) face, they have to drink it right then and there.

upon further investigation, the presentation might not even have to be a surprise? you can just hand your bro an ice? this sounds silly and amatuerish, so i'm going to play only by 'surprise rules'. hey! i don't make the rules, ok?

the "ice block": a tWiSt!

 so i guess just keep an ice on you at all times?

ok, so maybe this is a ridiculous marketing strategy, but smirnoff ice is so disgusting and stomach-ache-inducing, that i'm going to choose to participate. additionally, it is further legitimized by its presence on this week's approval matrix, which i read this morning. i had no idea it would become a part of my life so soon! kIsMeT!!

click here for a website full of bros icing bros. hopefully, there will be several related 2Pz posts to come.

you're welcome!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

omg. i know the bro being iced on May 25th...

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