07 November 2011

brb outside: #ingnyc

Yesterday was the marathon. I should have run it, but instead, Libby and I pulled up some camping chairs and dolled out some compliments. A LOT of clapping and compliments.

The Elite runners were soooooo fast

but this is mostly what it was like: 

"clap clap, Looking good Erik!
clap clap
Keep it up Maura, nope her shirt say says Laura, gooo Laura"

This guy was covered in Beef Jerky packets. He tossed us some. It was really good.
Let me reframe that: Yesterday a man tore a piece of dried flesh that had been hanging off his sweaty body and threw it at me as I sat by the side of the road. I picked it up, put it in my mouth, and it was delicious.

It was still Brooklyn though...

And we found Lizzy's friend!


Overall, the experience was 11 biscuits, and you ALLLLLL missed it!

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