21 June 2009

zoo tour, part six

as you can see from my previous posts... the zoo tour was a resounding success. i saw giant deer, cats, bears, gators, dumbos, and a whole host of other creepy crawlies and animals of land and sea. the following are some remainders that i wanted to share to wrap up the zoo tour series. enjoy!

here is a romp of otters that we fed. they each get a frozen crab leg, and the only trouble comes if one greedy otter tries to take more than his fair share. we held holly's purse open to see if any of the otters wanted to jump in and come home with us, but no such luck.

here is another shot of that bustard from earlier. its like 4 feet tall... scary right? just when you think youve got a lock on one, turn your head and a different one will be coming up at you from the side. you know what i mean.

louisiana swamp monster. ctm.

majestic lionness. she was a big ass pussy. theyve got two girls and boy, but the boy is new and he doesnt play well with the gals. it was so weird to look into her eyes, and see the calculating going on, like she is trying to figure out how to eat your FACE.

hope you enjoyed the zoo tour as much as i did! xoxoxoxo
a big 2Pz thanks to holly, john, and JERRY!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I went to the LA zoo on Friday! I thought the highlight was going to be the boy kangaroo trying to mount the female kangaroo (but being REJECTED), but then I saw a mama wallaby licking a little baby wallaby in her pouch. And the seal show.

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