09 September 2009

happy 09.09.09!!

i'm pretty sure three 9's is the mark of the beast, but so far this day is pretty uneventful. i've scoured the internet for reasons to get excited about it, but so far nothing. i couldn't care less about beatles rock band. in fact, it gives me the creeps, and i want it to get off my tv. and apparently, apple's having some sort of event centered around an ipod...but i can't make any sense of that either. it seems in the UK you can dial 999 if you have a silly emergency.

i did come across a wonderful wikihow with some great ideas of how to celebrate.

here are 2 things i AM looking forward to today:

1) going to see federer, soderling, and oudin at the US open.
2) president obama getting me some healthcare tonight in his big speech.

what are you guys doing with this "calendrical anomaly"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOOOOooooooot woooot WOOOOt WOOOOooooooot

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