14 September 2009

stand-out VMA performances

there was one performance in particular that deserves its own post... if you know which one i'm referring to, then i think you'll agree. if you don't know yet, omg you are in for such a treat!!! that being said, i'd like to just tell you about some of the other moments that i found noteworthy.

just a quick note about pink. i am not all that pumped on her in general. i do like her newest song, but good lord...look at this trapeze act! it's weird and awkward and uncomfortable, but by the end i was impressed. it seemed she was really singing, too. was i tricked?

ok so. everyone take a deep breath. this is not for the weak at heart. do you ever think to yourself, "beyonce, yeah she's fantastic. but i just know there's no way she could get any better. because i mean. she's already perfect. but i'll watch this anyway."? well, you've never seen beyonce with LaSeRz!!!! she's got the robot-hand on. she's not wearing pants, but that's pretty standard these days. i just loved all the clydesdale stomping and the magic. 11 biscuits beyonce!!!

at the end of the show, beyonce's boo, jay-z took the stage with alicia keys to perform what is quickly becoming one of my favorite songs ever. mtv billed this performance as a love song and tribute to new york city, and it certainly read that way. goosebumps4dayzzz, am i right?! and zomg, look how much beyonce loves it! so cute!! if you don't own the blueprint 3, which came out on friday, get it. right now. it's h7d. sing it, alicia!!

ctm lady gaga at 4:18... oh. and WTF lil mama?!?!?!?!

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