23 November 2009

kylie's official new moon review

i don't know how to sugar-coat this... so i'll just say it.

i loved new moon!
11 million biscuits!!!

that being said, i only felt this way after my second viewing last night. upon first watch, i was a bit disappointed. i felt that the tonal qualities of twilight had been lost with the new director, and many bad decisions had been left in their wake. however, i had a wonderful time watching and thought that overall it was a lot of fun and an adequate sequel.

the second time around, i found that i took much less issue with the intricacies that had bothered me before.

here are a few more specific thoughts:

k-stew tore it up. superb acting.
jacob's muscles, obvi.
those wolves!!! they were awesome!!! especially their cute noses! RAWR!!
jessica stanley's stand-out performance
fave part: the victoria hunt scene with thom yorke's track. h7d.
jacob's terrible acting
all the men looked like beautiful ladies (jasper, jacob w/ long hair, billy, the volturi, etc.)
dakota nailed it. more of that plz!
jacob's self-racist dream catcher present
jorts jorts jorts jorts jorts
bella's film-ending exhale

edward leaving (the first 30 minutes made me hide in my hoodie, but i suppose that's kind of a 'like')
jacob's terrible acting
the way jasper looks
why are all the other injuns so flabby?
any deviation from the book.
the return of my least favorite line from twilight ("really it's just a scarrerrurry stowerrey.")
edward's nipple asymmetry


what were your likes and dislikes?

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