09 March 2010

brb outside : r-pattz FAIL

well, i'm sorry to report that after our best efforts, we have returned home from the remember me shoot with no sightings of robert pattinson. we looked everywhere, but we just couldn't find him. but we took lots of pics anyway, and it wasn't a total bust, as you'll see...

here are a few twiloonies, taking pixies.

they were shooting a car scene, and we couldn't see into the car or who was in there.

we checked any possible place he could be hiding...

we had all but given up when james bond got out of the car!

joel hangin' out with the paps, snappin' some professional photos.

pierce and his co-star ruby jerins, who plays one of the daughters in nurse jackie.

and we weren't the only ones taking pictures! thomas crown walked over the the promenade edge to get a new background for his iphone probs.

a gaggle of twitards for your viewing pleasure. they had fake twilight-themed tattoos...ctm.

word on the twitter streets is that rob is in fact there and he just won't come out of his trailer. but whatevs. we don't have all day to wait for him, not like these twilosers.

hope you enjoyed our outing. despite the disappiontment, it was a beautiful day in b-heights, and a delight to be outside.

the end.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

joel, did you get a haircute? yay...i cant believe you got james bond and thomas crown in the same blog...

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