28 February 2014
the new toni braxton album is #normcore
you read it here second (or third, or fourth)
From Bette Davis to JLaw || Every Best Actress Winner's Dress Illustrated in One Poster http://t.co/x2kJGScHOf pic.twitter.com/H1yQYcYpGN
— Flavorwire (@flavorwire) February 28, 2014
27 February 2014
Paula Deen is endless fount of awkward pull-quotes

trend alert : normcore
Jeremy Lewis, the founder/editor of Garmento and a freelance stylist and fashion writer, calls normcore “one facet of a growing anti-fashion sentiment.” His personal style is (in the words of Andre Walker, a designer Lewis featured in the magazine’s last issue) “exhaustingly plain”—this winter, that’s meant a North Face fleece, khakis, and New Balances. Lewis says his “look of nothing” is about absolving oneself from fashion, “lest it mark you as a mindless sheep.” (via)
raise your hand...
26 February 2014
well hello
Meet Boneco, the world's first beekeeping donkey http://t.co/PxMYvzH13b pic.twitter.com/0FPIbACN9t
— inhabitat (@inhabitat) February 26, 2014
kylie already knows all of this -> how to win at wheel of fortune
If you have no clue what else to do, yell out "T"! #WheelofFortune http://t.co/9fmdwztn9U pic.twitter.com/0HMyfPdMQA
— The New Republic (@tnr) February 26, 2014
2Pz is your zaha hadid central
When The Guardian recently asked Zaha Hadid about the 500 Indians and 382 Nepalese migrant workers who have reportedly died in preparations for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, the architect behind the al-Wakrah stadium responded:
“I have nothing to do with the workers. I think that’s an issue the government – if there’s a problem – should pick up. Hopefully, these things will be resolved.”
Asked whether she was concerned, she then added:
“Yes, but I’m more concerned about the deaths in Iraq as well, so what do I do about that? I’m not taking it lightly but I think it’s for the government to look to take care of. It’s not my duty as an architect to look at it. I cannot do anything about it because I have no power to do anything about it. I think it’s a problem anywhere in the world. But, as I said, I think there are discrepancies all over the world.” (via)real talk.
set your tivos
portlandia is back tomorrow!
and guess what else: the americans starts TONIGHT!!!!!1111
nights home alone in the house are going to be changed forever.

Flavors include Hazed & Confused (see I said it was a stoner genius' idea), Peanut Butter Fudge, Salted Caramel and That's My Jam.
last word freak.
on shia lebouf:
So I asked the company to break. And I took the stage manager, with Sullivan, to another room, and I said one of us is going to go. I said, “I’ll tell you what, I’ll go.” I said don’t fire the kid, I’ll quit. They said no, no, no, no, and they fired him. And I think he was shocked. He had that card, that card you get when you make films that make a lot of money that gives you a certain kind of entitlement. I think he was surprised that it didn’t work in the theater.on msnbc:
Morning Joe was boring. Scarborough is neither eloquent nor funny. And merely cranky doesn’t always work well in the morning. Mika B. is the Margaret Dumont of cable news. I liked Chris Jansing a lot. Very straightforward. I like Lawrence O’Donnell, but he’s too smart to be doing that show. Rachel Maddow is Rachel Maddow, the ultimate wonk/dweeb who got a show, polished it, made it her own. She’s talented. The problem with everybody on MSNBC is none of them are funny, although that doesn’t prevent them from trying to be.on rachel maddow:
Another told me, regarding the “toxic little queen” comment, that Rachel Maddow was the prime mover in my firing, as she was aghast that I had been hired and viewed me as equivalent to Mel Gibson. Another source told me, “You know who’s going to get you fired, don’t you? Rachel. Phil will do whatever Rachel tells him to do.” I think Rachel Maddow is quite good at what she does. I also think she’s a phony who doesn’t have the same passion for the truth off-camera that she seems to have on the air.on bill de blasio:
Bill de Blasio, who apparently gets his news from TMZ, too, distanced himself from me.on america:
Even the U.S., which is so preposterously judgmental now. The heart, the arteries of the country are now clogged with hate. The fuel of American political life is hatred. Who would ever dream that Obama would deserve to be treated the way he has been? The birth-certificate bullshit, which is just Obama’s version of Swiftboating. And all for the electoral nullification that seems like a cancer on the American system. But this is Roger Ailes. And Fox. And Breitbart. And this is all about hate. It’s Hate Incorporated.on new york city:
I probably have to move out of New York. I just can’t live in New York anymore. Everything I hated about L.A. I’m beginning to crave. L.A. is a place where you live behind a gate, you get in a car, your interaction with the public is minimal. I used to hate that. But New York has changed. Manhattan is like Beverly Hills.on brooklyn:
And the soul of New York has moved to Brooklyn, where everything new and exciting seems to be. I have to accept that.
25 February 2014
speaking of zaha hadid...
The 2012 London Olympics Aquatic Center is now open to the public! They took the bulky seating risers off the sides, replaced them with fog-proof glazing and voila. Now regular flabby Londoners can take a dip where THIS happened.
nErD aLeRt!
see more here!
janet echelman's floating net sculptures
Artist Janet Echelman stumbled upon the idea of using nets in her art exhibits when her paint supplies did not arrive when she was based in India, planning an art exhibition. While she was walking through the village Echelman was struck by the quality and variety of nets used by the local fisherman and decided to try and use those in her artwork.
Echelman is currently embarking on her largest piece ever, a 700-foot-long sculpture that will be suspended over Vancouver next month in conjunction with the 30th anniversary of the TED Conference. In collaboration with the Burrard Arts Foundation, she’s currently seeking funding via Kickstarter to make it happen. (via)
24 February 2014
Taco Bell takes its breakfast tacos national: http://t.co/LRkXEy6dRA pic.twitter.com/SFRBPuBsQF
— New York Magazine (@NYMag) February 24, 2014
taco bell to introduce breakfast menu very soon
breakfast crunch wrap
and breakfast burritos, obvi
21 February 2014
Le1f got a record deal
@FLOTUS was in NYC yesterday and went to the New Museum
here is my unofficial list of favorite first ladies:
1) Michelle Obama
2) Eleanor Roosevelt
3) Mary Todd Lincoln
4) Hillary Rodham Clinton
5) Betty Ford
The More You Know (ab 2Pz Correspodentz)
Beyonce performs XO at the Brit Awards
20 February 2014
Take Me to the River
In order, the top five Brooklyn neighborhoods where binge drinkers live are Greenpoint; Downtown Brooklyn/Brooklyn Heights/Park Slope (yeah, the DoH counts these very disparate ‘hoods as one place, so); Bed-Stuy/Crown Heights; East New York/New Lots; and Sunset Park. (via)#glugglugglug
oh, bill.
"I used to be a gardener" says Mayor de Blasio as he sweeps out pothole. pic.twitter.com/7EPwG2wD1k
— John Kenny (@jjk607) February 20, 2014
check out mayor de blasio out filling potholes in queefz.
i just love this band
lucius performs "nothing ordinary" in a KEXP session.
nothing to see here #sochiproblems
19 February 2014
18 February 2014
kelis has a cooking show
14 February 2014
thomas wilhelm's valentine's day spirit animal
i hated this but i also couldn't look away.
the best door since they put it sideways on a delorean

See more of this wackadoo door here.
The only drawback I see is losing the drama of me slamming a door in a passive-aggressive fashion.
❤❤❤ Wishing you all the heart animations you can handle! ❤❤❤

13 February 2014
A years-long legal battle over the very existence of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro in Tennessee has cost Rutherford County $343,276 in legal fees, as a group of plaintiffs opposed to the center's existence continue to pursue their lawsuit against the county planning commissioners who approved it. And that number will likely go up as the county's legal team prepares to respond to an appeal request to the U.S. Supreme Court, as the Tennessean reported on Wednesday. (via)
phantogram - fall in love
check out the beautiful new music video. and click HERE to listen to the new album!
12 February 2014
11 February 2014
2/11 #neverforget
— Petty Rubble (@KidFury) February 11, 2014
introducing, the portuguese podengo pequeno
3 new breeds are competing at this year's #wkcdogshow. Have one at home? Share a pic and show us. pic.twitter.com/yYeqvxLETj
— Pro Plan (@ProPlan) February 11, 2014
UNDER THE SKIN, because the sci-fi thriller is so in right now
People are calling Jonathan Glazer the heir to Kubrick and you can see why. This film is about ScarJo as an alien that abducts men or something. It looks pretty!

these two old queens giggle and whisper about being gay in paris

jic you haven't heard yet....
Starting Wednesday night, the chance of snow is at 70 percent. The next day: "Snow in the morning ... Snow in the evening." Anywhere from six inches to lots more is expected in Manhattan, according to the cautious National Weather Service. (via)
here's american luge(r?) kate hansen warming up for her run to beyonce.
johnny weir knows exactly what he is doing in sochi
Weir Watch: Is Johnny Weir's outfit today a tribute to Bob Costas' pinkeye? http://t.co/1Wo8l85gSE pic.twitter.com/WPR41Aj3hF
— Gawker (@Gawker) February 11, 2014
Shirley Temple Videos
10 February 2014
I could really use a Cup O'Noodles right now.

A: To shovel all the chunky snow from NYC
and B: Who wants to visit the !!! Cup Noodles Museum in Japan with me??!!

adorable SEC football player might be the first openly gay man in the NFL
follow him on twitter to keep in touch @MikeSamFootball
07 February 2014
! RT @xavier_blu: If the Russian government hates gays so much, why do all their domain names end in .ru? pic.twitter.com/Qa9QWb1OsE
— huffpostgay (@huffpostgay) February 7, 2014
every season is football season.
this shouldnt surprise anyone, but at the end of national signing day, butch jones and his recruiting team put together the FIFTH-RANKED recruiting class in the nation. to answer your question: yes, that's better than georgia's.
Butch Jones came out swinging, landing a ridiculous 33 new players in his first full class as head coach of the Volunteers. It includes a massive upgrade at the skill positions, including borderline five-star running back Jalen Hurd, four-star back Derrell Scott, four-star receivers Josh Malone and Von Pearson, and four-star tight end Daniel Helm.
The Vols also got signatures from a U.S. Army All-American in safety Todd Kelly, a ready-to-play offensive tackle in JuCo transfer Dontavius Blair, and six four-star recruits for the defensive front seven. (via)read how it all came together HERE. (thx dan!)
one should also note that a fifth-ranked class is only third-ranked in the SEC, and that 7 of the top 10 recruiting classes were from the SEC, and that all 14 SEC teams made it into the top 50.
one of the highlights of signing day was the berry twins. jicydak, the younger twin brothers of 2Pz all-time favorite vol eric berry verbally committed to tennessee when they were just 14 years old. playing together for their high school team, they won a (georgia) state championship last year.
read how cute and well-liked they are HERE.
here's a video of a 5-star recruit telling the story of how coach butch jones convinced him to keep his talents in tennessee.
and finally, here's a photo of one of our 2014 recruits, d'andre payne, literally jumping for joy as he enters neyland for the first time as a vol. *single tear*
d'andre, i notice you're wearing modesty harvesty's number, and i like your spirit so far.
oh and i nearly forgot:
The Nashville Sports Council and the University of Tennessee announced today that the Tennessee Volunteers will open their 2015 football season at LP Field in Nashville. The Volunteers will take on the UAB Blazers on Saturday, September 5, 2015. (via)is it september yet?
06 February 2014
let's go see the LEGO movie
05 February 2014
Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Phillip Seymour Hoffman
- NYC being a slushfest of nastiness
- The amount of sour cream I consumed during the Superbowl
- Wearing ugly boots for the past 18 days straight
- When is Game of Thrones coming back?
- Phillip Seymour Hoffman
- There's not even any movies I want to watch