31 October 2014

bad news in the space race

a nasa rocket exploded in mid air and a virgin galactic spaceship crashed and killed the pilots.

i'm a mouse

enjoy halloweeeeeeeeeeeeen!

new beyonce halloween news

happy fridayween!

want the back story of this h'ween classic? you know you do.


what is beyonce for hallowe'en?

omg janet!

happy hallowe'en everyone.

29 October 2014

and here's a new FKA twigs video...

...just in time for halloween!

blood orange on kimmel


the voice report

so last night, you'll never believe this, but elyjuh kind of sucked it up. he decided to sing an unimpressive chris brown song, and here's what i'll say. the lyrics were all about a boy who really loves a girl, and all of the coaches basically had the same criticism: "this is not your story. you need to sing your story." so.

pharell still picked him as the winner, keeping him on his team for reasons of "unfulfilled potential"................................................................................

the loser of the knockout, despite clearly winning, was ricky who killed "wrecking ball". he received some admittedly excellent performance advice from taylor swift, and it really paid off. gwen stole him right away and declared "i feel like i just won the voice!"

my fave performance of the night was taylor john's rendition of "mad world".

gawker recap here.

28 October 2014

your fortnightly boat.

this is the norwegian spy vessel, marjata (III)! her wedge shape was a revolutionary maritime advancement back in 1992, designed to stalk the russian military in the roughest of northern seas. needless to say, the russians can't stand her, and often try to run her off. just like whale wars but for people. read this, it's chock-full of drama, as well as  a sneak peek at the marjata IV!

marjata, i can see your halo lifeboat.

sharon van etten - your love is killing me

i see you, sailor bar. i see you, BHP.

lucius - hey, doreen

the voice report

taylor swift is a guest coach on the judge on the voice this week, everybody. y'all know how i feel about her, but i kept my mind open. she was a helpful, competent advisor, and also a total weirdo. she made adam look stupid, which i liked. she seemed legitimately nervous around pharell and gwen, which i also liked.

this was my fave performance of the night, and it somehow wasn't good enough to stay. at this point, i would like to go on record by saying "trend alert": the judges have allowed three (3) excellent black female performers to be eliminated. i don't care for this trend.

also, this. this guy's probs my second fave (#teamelyjuh).

and i'll show you this one because i can't stand this bitch, but the coaches think she's just great. this is the second ellie goulding song she's done in a row and i wish she'd stop it.

if you're #teamelyjuh don't worry, he will be performing tonight. in the preview they show gwen making a dramatic steal, after which she stands up and exclaims "i feel like i just won the voice!" wonder what that's about.

gawker recap.

nErD aLeRt!

from november 7th to 9th 2014, the inner city of berlin will be temporarily divided by a light installation featuring 8,000 glowing white balloons, commemorating the 25th anniversary since the fall of the wall. ‘LICHTGRENZE‘ (border of light), will trace an approximately 15 km long segment of the former course of the wall that once separated the city in two. developed by bauderfilm and WHITEvoid, the luminous installation evokes the candle-bearing demonstrators throughout the GDR to emphasize their peaceful intentions, and acts as a visually powerful symbol for the magnitude the wall spanned and its bearing over inhabitants. (via)
thx beeun!

27 October 2014

time for a science lesson.

what's the deal with animals and mirrors?
Gordon Gallup invented the test that shows whether an animal recognizes itself in the mirror: He marked primates’ faces and ears with dye and watched whether they used a mirror to investigate the spots. If they did, it revealed that the animals understood that the faces in the mirror were their own. (via

what do you think or kelly clarkson's taylor swift cover?

she should be on a competitive singing show.

HBD Teddy Bear

24 October 2014


how a marble quarry works

i thought this should be on 2pz

i even emailed it to myself so i wouldn't have to search it today (which is how most of my "this should be on 2pz" items get lost).

23 October 2014

never forget.

keekerz speakerz

just love this song.

secretary of shade, maddy albright

are you listening to "serial" yet?

we all are! if you're not convinced, just spend 10 mintues listening to this interview with creators ira glass and sarah koenig, and see if you can still resist! (joel said he audibly gasped when he heard the tidbit at the end of this)

22 October 2014

what a chic place to have a drink before your luxury bus trip



want to go on a new podcast adventure with me?

i just heard of this on the internet. sarah koenig from this american life is doing a new podcast called serial.
Serial is a podcast where we unfold one nonfiction story, week by week, over the course of a season. We'll stay with each story for as long as it takes to get to the bottom of it.
the first season, of which 4 eps have been released, follows a mURdEr mYsTErY!!
On January 13, 1999, a girl named Hae Min Lee, a senior at Woodlawn High School in Baltimore County, Maryland, disappeared. A month later, her body turned up in a city park. She'd been strangled. Her 17-year-old ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, was arrested for the crime, and within a year, he was convicted and sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison. The case against him was largely based on the story of one witness, Adnan’s friend Jay, who testified that he helped Adnan bury Hae's body. But Adnan has always maintained he had nothing to do with Hae’s death. Some people believe he’s telling the truth. Many others don’t.
let's listen, together!

good one!

thx thomas wilhelm!

21 October 2014

can you guess who this actress is?


the voice report

well last night was GREAT. and i have three favorites this time.

the first performance of the ep was this team adam pairing of energetic damian and really-good-but-a-little-too-meek kelli. they performed it pretty flawlessly, but she really didn't stand a chance. pharell was all "YAAAAASSSS".

i also really loved this version of "yellow" by matt and ethan. matt's a poor kid who chokes up when he says he just wants to be able to take care of his mom, so i am always rooting for him.

and if you only watch one performance from the night, you're going to want to watch toya and danica go to TOWN on "halo". the magic of this one was when, once again, alicia keys solved the riddle of how to make the performance great, by asking them "whose halo do you see?" and they both ended up having dead dads and started sobbing. then pharell said things like "sing it like you're in the bathroom" and "you're both standing there like backup singers but YOU ARE STARS." and then they killt it.

last round of battles tonight. gwen has one steal left, even though she keeps trying to last-second-steal adam's steals. not really working for her. and at this point i'm kind of glad because she is making interesting (terrible) choices with her team and i don't usually care for the results.

gawker recap here.

oh and you guys.... gwen stefani has a new song!

UPDATE: and a new video!

20 October 2014

i can't do better than gawker's description

"Cool Horse Trots Around NYC Without a Care Except the Cops Chasing Him"

we don't just watch movies not to tell anyone about it.

yesterday, while resting my dogs after a long, successful tenth annual international cornhole cup, i watched this tom cruise movie, the edge of tomorrow, also starring emily bult blunt.

it was.....11 biscuits!!

i watched godzilla too. more like godsilly. 0 biscuits.

check out my new favorite tumblr.

worst cats. thx carly!

see also: slittens.

what is it, comeback monday?

bethenny is going to be on the next season of RHoNYC, if you can believe that.

also, good news: RHoA is back in about 3 weeks. phew!

speaking of comebacks...

a new installment of marcel the shell!

shrimps are the idiots of the sea.

set your VCRs to tape this hot new television program!

did you ever watch season one?

17 October 2014

i got drunk last night and i'm supposed to get drunk tonight too


no no no i'm too old for this. happy weekend and i'll see you cornholers tomorrow. don't speak too loudly at me though. i'll be nursing another hangover.

happy cornhole eve friday!

16 October 2014

HBD angela lansbury

lane kiffin's wikipedia entry

oprah at st. peter's


27k people a day visit here. #St.Peter'sBasilica

View on Instagram

rooting for the whale

hyperlapse bike ride over all three bridges

actually looks like an appealing way to spend a couple of hours.

evan beeeeerrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy

i didn't know this happened until just now, but apparently eric berry's little brother evan berry got to return a kick in last weekend's game, and BOY DID HE EVER!

'sgo vols!!

15 October 2014

this has a surprise ending.

stay humble, cat.

stay humble, thomas wilhelm


thx ms danglez!

more voice battlez

there was another hour of the voice last night, and things were just fine. but i'd rather show you a second fave from monday night (also team pharell). what you don't see in the clip (which is why you should just be watching all of it), is when the two singers are doing everything perfectly, but no one's really feeling it. and alicia keys has an idea. she asks the band to play the "aretha franklin version" of the song. luke exclaims that he didn't even know that existed, to which alicia replies "we just invented it."

then everyone let their souls shine and it all came together. thx AK.

side note: griffin is from nashville and designs bowties. luke got his eye shot out by a paintball when he was a kid.

monday recap
tuesday recap

two horrible worlds collide

one of the few people that gobble my goop more that lane kiffin is tosh.0. so it's appropriate that they've been united in this distasteful bit of ridicule.

i am so happy that alabama's reign has ended under kiffin. kiss of death.

this is happening

turnip for what

14 October 2014

the voice report

THE BATTLE ROUNDS HAVE STARTED. this is all you need to know from last night!

second night of battle rounds TONIGHT!


goodness gracious.


beg for it

13 October 2014

10 October 2014

but i'm impressed with this horse

LOL go vols

a master of the craft at the top of her game



hand felted pigeons


Mother Pigeon's rapture with New York City's indigenous wildlife has led to a course of activism, through art and public installations. The artist, known to her human companions as Tina Piña Trachtenburg will debut a gregarious Flash Flock, designed to coax a "much maligned" and "overlooked" avian out of the landscape and into the public eye. Her upcoming “Outstallation” will bring an unprecedented number of Trachtenburg's hand-felted pigeons to roost in NYC's Washington Square Park.


on jimmy fallon kimmel.

kind of a weird performance but great dance moves!!

have you guys been listening to the album? i'm obsessed.

08 October 2014

god only knows, bbc music version

kindness - this is not about us

pretty sweet dance vid. stream the new album heeeyyuurrrr.

your annie lennox halloween theme song

hay gurlz


ms. danglez took us to see THESE GIRLS last night. it was a treat!

07 October 2014



does this remind anyone else of thomas wilhelm?

thx emilube!

the voice report

well all the teams are set. last night didn't have really any contestants that i got super excited about. no elyjuhs, iykwim. i guess if i had to pick a best, it would be this southern white girl who murdered a beyonce song.

my favorite would probably be this teenager who had the good sense to sing some macy gray, which we all know is a crowd pleaser.

now that it's all said and done, i think that pharell has the most talented team, and will have a great chance at winning. i will be pulling for gwen, of course. she pulled out the "you like clothes?" bribe on another woman just because she's a woman last night, and that gag never gets old for me.

next week, we start the battle rounds, and the coaches bring in helpers! gwen trots out her husband gavin, which. and there was a preview of what happens when elyjuh (#teamelyjuh) sees pharell's guest coach, alicia keys. he lets out the highest pitched scream i've ever heard and my heart just soared! also, STEVIE NICKS IS COMING!!! this is a perfect time for you to start watching if you haven't already.

read the gawker recap here.

read about stevie nicks making HAIM her moon sisters here.

mickey boardman interviews marc jacobs

i find them both delightful

your fortnightly boat

joel showed me this awesome article and video about the new class of container ships. they are so big that we can't even use them in our tiny little american ports. mmmmmmmmMMOOOOOOOoooooOOOoooooooo!!

new music tuesday

tinashe - aquarius

caribou - our love

stevie nicks - 24 karat gold

courtney love is good at guitar. also singing.

the story goes that a sound engineer isolated her guitar and vocals and uploaded this because he didn't get paid. reminds me of.

06 October 2014

something TERRIBLE happened in central park this morning

a dog walker found the dead body of a baby black bear on the west side near 69th street. no one yet knows how it died, or how it got to central park. foul play! someone call J.B. Fletcher! dead bears can't tell secrets! nytimes

abandoned smoky mountain stuff

yesterday, huffpo misleadingly posted a story about a hiker "discovering" an old abandoned town in the great smoky mountains of east tennessee. today, the tennessean snarkily responded that everybody who knows anything is aware of this place, which was a vacation resort before the area became national park'd.

regardless, i want to spend a night there.

we may have lost but we must never forget the precious gift we received on saturday.


ummm, david lynch is writing and directing new episodes of twin peaks for showtime

have you seen the original? mike and i watched it a few years ago, it is super weird television stuff. via.

a$ap rocky (feat. juicy j) - multiply

03 October 2014

more weekend feelings

aughhhH!! remember me?!

i'm the one that hates to work, especially on fridayz. happy weekend!!

i don't like this commercial.

i LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shout out murfree(r?)sboro

John Mulaney is going to be one of the biggest names in comedy for years to come. If you don't know him from his stand-up or his work as a writer on SNL (he created Stefon with Bill Hader), you'll know him soon enough. On Sunday, his new neo-Seinfeld-ian sitcom Mulaney will premiere on Fox, and last night he stopped by The Tonight Show to promote it. In addition to telling the story of how he got Ice-T to read his new show's intros, he shared what has to be one of the greatest stand-up comedian heckle stories of all time. It involves an unpronounceable Tennessee town, a beer truck, and some unexpected Southern eloquence. Check it out above. We can only hope Mulaney will be as funny as its star. (via)

third down for what

this week is just about over!

simon, i feel ya gurl.

he's gotta come to neyland right?

we painted the rock and everything.

well i'm going to have to watch this.

02 October 2014

the giudices are going to prison.

"For a moment I thought about probation … but I think a period of confinement is absolutely necessary in this case," said the judge. "I don't honestly believe that you understand or respect the law. I need to send a message. In the eyes of the law it doesn't matter who you are. There are consequences to pay." (via)

goodness that's creepy

also, THIS is amazing.

01 October 2014

M⚽⚔☝€ M☝NUT€ W/ M$D∆NG€L$ - "Inherent Vice" by Paul Thomas Anderson

based on the book by Thomas Pynchon, The first book of his to be made into a movie
The trailer is narrated by Joanna Newsom, who also makes an appearance in the film
coming "just in time for christmas"

will lil jon be at neyland on saturday?

keekerz speakerz

you tryin' to relax or what?

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