31 March 2010
i was reading this design blog, and saw this image of the aquapod, a ocean-bound fish farm that floats along and grows seafood for us to nom.
part of the idea here is to set these guys on their mission in a ocean current, and tend them along the way until they finally reach a destination like miami full of fully grown fish. what if you were swimmin along and stumbled upon a aquapod full of giant isopods. shudder.
the future,
the ocean is terrifying
something you didnt know about toads
according to one study they can detect earthquakes like three days before they happen.
and they remind me of turtles without the shells!
ninja turtles
Faceoff at the MoMA
her name is marina abramovic and she is a performance artist whose current show is called "The Artist is Present." you might remember that sex and the city episode with the artist who starved herself... where carrie first met alexandr petrovsky? that was based on abramovic.
anyway. a funny thing happened the other day when another performance artist from brooklyn dressed up just like marina and got first in line and sat in the chair opposite her all day. read her interview. she says describes the experience, and says when the exhibit finally closed for the night, she finally got a smile from the artist.
summer reading
i was reading this list of awesome celeb (lady) biographies on jezebel (dont judge) and remembered that i havn't yet read I, Tina.
so im going to. summer book club anyone?
is it summer yet?,
tina turner
ann curry gets a bear high five
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
watch what happens when this bear gets fitted for a collar
today show,
father fail
this little one only wanted some beyonce in his life.
cry for help
just as predicted.
thanks a lot, president obama. now that you've pushed healthcare through, the apocalypse is underway. just like the republicans said would happen. and it's starting in poor little rhode island.
"We have some historic flooding going on in places we've never had flooding before," said Cranston, Rhode Island, police Lt. Stephen Antonucci. "We have numerous streets that are closed, and they're telling us the worst is still yet to come."
All eyes were on the Pawtuxet River, which runs through Cranston. The river stood at 20.64 feet as of about 7 a.m. ET -- nearly 12 feet above flood stage of 9 feet. It is forecast to crest at 20.7 feet Wednesday morning, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (via)
jersey's gettin' it pretty hard too. jicne1c.
at least we can start drilling for oil in the ocean. i just hope no one pulls up any giant isopods!!
"We have some historic flooding going on in places we've never had flooding before," said Cranston, Rhode Island, police Lt. Stephen Antonucci. "We have numerous streets that are closed, and they're telling us the worst is still yet to come."
All eyes were on the Pawtuxet River, which runs through Cranston. The river stood at 20.64 feet as of about 7 a.m. ET -- nearly 12 feet above flood stage of 9 feet. It is forecast to crest at 20.7 feet Wednesday morning, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (via)
jersey's gettin' it pretty hard too. jicne1c.
at least we can start drilling for oil in the ocean. i just hope no one pulls up any giant isopods!!
barack obama,
new jersey,
new york,
30 March 2010
the short second life of bree tanner
stephanie meyer is cashing in on the twilight franchise again (as is her right, no judgement here). she has penned a 200 page "novella" centered on the story of one of the newborns involved in the eclipse victoria attacks.
starla says: "i am of course excited. no matter how shitty."
i say: im not sure i can devote any more brain space to this.
what say you?
team jacob,
the only thing more stupid than being eaten would be being eaten and not having the videotape
did you see the one where anderson cooper jumps in with the sharks?
anderson cooper,
two in the stink...and...well, two more in the stink.
finally! a proper send-up of that tired-ass old NOH8 campaign that everyone and their mother has been a part of. (DEFEC8)
P.S. there's corn in that poo-like substance. GROSS!
P.S. there's corn in that poo-like substance. GROSS!
peeps and poops
ctm : panty bomber
representative harry mitchell(D AZ), received death threats after his vote for the healthcare bill. this story is a little old, but i was waiting for someone to upload a video so i could embed it. just listen all the way until the end, it's wonderful:
who do you think you are?
keekerz speakerz
and in related news, drake's album finally has an official release date, and it is may 25. so. here's a new single off it. i like it!
patrick halley's spirit animal
a giant isopod!
Here is a frightening thing for a frightening time. A 2.5-foot giant isopod that was found attached to a submersible robot. These actually exist, deep under the sea, where they feast on whale carcasses. (via)
thx g!
29 March 2010
paris hilton, new music
anyone with any good sense bought paris hilton's first album, paris and rocked out to it on their fire escape all summer long. luckily we're finally being graced with some more to savor.
paris hilton
guess who is gay today?
answer: i know youre thinking thomas wilhelm, and yes... but the answer i am thinking of is ricky martin. he finally admitted his gayness today on the internet.
ricky martin
you want to hear a weird story?
three days ago i remembered this song that i loved and wore out on itunes. i found it on youtube, but it was a shitty version with a commercial in front, so i held off on blogging it. today i see that joey tony pepperoni just buzzed about this same song and i was blown away. get out of my head joey tony. then i commented to him how weird it was that he buzzed what i was going to blog, and he said that kylie had emailed the link to him! cue twilight theme. two peas in a pea pod
nErD aLeRt!
oh yeah, and happy pritzker prize winning to SANAA. this year's prize is only the second time a woman has won the annual prize ((zaha hadid, 2004), and it's also only the second time a duo has won (herzog + de meuron, 2001).
check out the official media kit here.
check out the official media kit here.
nerd alert,
pritzker prize
y'all been watching life?
on the discovery channel and narrated by oprah winfrey?
meet my new favorite animal, eleanor the elephant shrew. she has a finger for a nose.
meet my new favorite animal, eleanor the elephant shrew. she has a finger for a nose.
what life is like
sure am proud.
Given all that, you hardly expected Michigan State to be able to summon a great -- not merely good -- performance. But they did, because they had to. It took greatness to beat Tennessee on Sunday. (via)
y'all did good, basketvols.
champions in my heart,
go vols,
28 March 2010
27 March 2010
the new face of pregnancy?
im going to go on record to say that i hope not. she does look like she has an extra special glow though, am i right? just glowing.
UPDATE: people says its not true.
consider your lunchbox packed.
"I said on offense, 'They'll take care of it; I'll save it all for defense,'" Prince said. "That's all I did. I knew that last two minutes I was going to make them work no matter what. I know nobody wanted it more than I did." (via)
GO VOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO VOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go vols,
ohio state,
the best
26 March 2010
But you ARE Blanche. You ARE in that chair!
i watched Whatever Happened to Baby Jane last night. it was delightful, but especially so with the foreknowledge that these two leading ladies actually hated each other in real life. Bette Davis was really kicking Joan Crawford in one scene, and Joan put extra weights in her robe so that Bette threw her back out when she had to drag Joan around. DIVAS!!!! it is streaming on netflix in case you wondered.
more like SUCKeyes!!!
i have to admit it. i'm super nervous. ohio state has always been my most hated school. but that hatred stems mostly from their unimpressive success in that sorry excuse for a college football conference. but basketball? i barely know anything about it / them.
what i do know is this:
no one has made a peep about tennessee this whole tournament. just scroll through the 'college basketball' section of any major sports news outlet, and you won't find us in a single headline. the only way to read about us is to go to teams>tennessee. then you MIGHT find a preview for our upcoming game, but even then, they're just going to talk about how good the suckeyes are.
tennessee has been in the sweet 16 three of the last four years. but that's also as far as we've ever gone. no one expects tennessee to win. and you know what that means....
tune in at 7.07pm EST tonight! to see the basketvols make history!!
what i do know is this:
no one has made a peep about tennessee this whole tournament. just scroll through the 'college basketball' section of any major sports news outlet, and you won't find us in a single headline. the only way to read about us is to go to teams>tennessee. then you MIGHT find a preview for our upcoming game, but even then, they're just going to talk about how good the suckeyes are.
tennessee has been in the sweet 16 three of the last four years. but that's also as far as we've ever gone. no one expects tennessee to win. and you know what that means....
tune in at 7.07pm EST tonight! to see the basketvols make history!!
go vols,
ohio state,
harnessing the power of the ghost chili, to make grenades!
Well, it turns out the ghost chili has been deployed for the last year and a half, not in a grenade but on a burger, at Chunky's Burgers in San Antonio, Texas, where Joey Prado is the owner. (via)
hot as hell,
it doesnt look to me like prinny loves to swim
Watch CBS News Videos Online
Prinny defies all stereotypes: The cat's Australian owners say she loves to swim with their dog Bandit, so when he started a hydrotherapy program to help his bad back, they brought Prinny along to keep him company
25 March 2010
thank YOU, brian, for telling me everything about the future
CS5 is coming to f**k up everything you thought you knew about reality with "content-aware fill":
"As we watch the progress bar race across there, just imagine how long it would take for you to do this manually with today's tools. It would be virtually impossible and if you did do it, it would take a really, really long time."
"As we watch the progress bar race across there, just imagine how long it would take for you to do this manually with today's tools. It would be virtually impossible and if you did do it, it would take a really, really long time."
fartz farmz
WINCHESTER, Ind.—Like many of his neighbors, farmer Tony Goltstein has to deal with the aftermath of the dairy bubble.
But besides his mounting financial troubles, Mr. Goltstein also must contend with bubbles the size of small houses that have sprouted from the pool of manure at his Union Go Dairy Farm. Some are 20 feet tall, inflated with the gas released by 21 million gallons of decomposing cow manure. (via) (nymag)
story of john's life, am i right!
But besides his mounting financial troubles, Mr. Goltstein also must contend with bubbles the size of small houses that have sprouted from the pool of manure at his Union Go Dairy Farm. Some are 20 feet tall, inflated with the gas released by 21 million gallons of decomposing cow manure. (via) (nymag)
story of john's life, am i right!
john's bed,
oreo cows,
peeps and poops
24 March 2010
daily ri ri
things rihanna requires :
24 buffalo wings (HOT sauce on the side)
1 jar salsa (medium/hot)
1 six pack fanta (or sunkist orange soda)
1 bag fire hot cheetos
1 box frosted flakes
oh no she didnt!
“I don’t love her new music, it’s not the same [as her old stuff]. It’s like Michael Jordan coming back out to play in the NBA. She is past her best." —Justin Bieber on whether he'd collaborate with Mariah Carey [Sun UK via Hollywood Life] via
take it back bieber.
justin bieber,
mariah carey,
oooo burn
possibility - lykke li
remember the scene in new moon when bella gets dumped by edward and sits in her room staring out the window as life and the seasons pass her by.
lykke li,
new moon,
team edward
the doot-doot-doodle-oot-doooo song.
for ganglez.
and you, too.
local natives,
txtz from beeun
"i just had a cornhole tourney daydream and it was beautiful."
Um... What?
Chinese boy has 31 fingers, toes
The six-year-old boy, whose name has not been released, has 16 toes and 15 fingers.
One of the fingers is incomplete and appears on X-ray photographs as a “fork” sticking out from the right thumb.
Three fingers on each of the boy’s hands are also fused together by skin.
The boy, from Shenyang in China’s north-eastern Liaoning province, beats the current world record held Indian boys Pranamya Menaria and Devendra Harne, who have 12 fingers and 13 toes.
Doctors will today attempt to remove the boy’s extra digits.
The condition is known as polydactyly.
awesome stuff I don't want,
too many
suck it, suckeyes.
just got these photos from sara jane, who's volunteer-priding all over ohio state's campus. we all know they deserve it. great work, sj.
go vols,
ohio state,
new york times op-ed columnist bob herbert burns the GOP up alive:
This is the party of trickle down and weapons of mass destruction, the party of birthers and death-panel lunatics. This is the party that genuflects at the altar of right-wing talk radio, with its insane, nauseating, nonstop commitment to hatred and bigotry.
Glenn Beck of Fox News has called President Obama a “racist” and asserted that he “has exposed himself as a guy, over and over and over again, who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.”
Mike Huckabee, a former Republican presidential candidate, has said of Mr. Obama’s economic policies: “Lenin and Stalin would love this stuff.”
The G.O.P. poisons the political atmosphere and then has the gall to complain about an absence of bipartisanship. (via)
This is the party of trickle down and weapons of mass destruction, the party of birthers and death-panel lunatics. This is the party that genuflects at the altar of right-wing talk radio, with its insane, nauseating, nonstop commitment to hatred and bigotry.
Glenn Beck of Fox News has called President Obama a “racist” and asserted that he “has exposed himself as a guy, over and over and over again, who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.”
Mike Huckabee, a former Republican presidential candidate, has said of Mr. Obama’s economic policies: “Lenin and Stalin would love this stuff.”
The G.O.P. poisons the political atmosphere and then has the gall to complain about an absence of bipartisanship. (via)
23 March 2010
Did everyone watch Gossip Girl last night? Yes, I am sure you all did because it is the shit.
Any which ways, you know the part when Lil J skipped school to go meet drug dealer Damien so he could take her v card?
She totally stomped out of her apartment to Rihanna's "Rockstar." I hadn't heard the song till last night, but I oc like it.
gossip girl,
hot as hell,
Did you know that...
They sell lights for cornhole boards and lighted plexi-boards, so you can play into the evening hours! We are building boards and were joking the other day how we should add lights for later play. Turns out the internet has thought of EVERYTHING!
Also, this guy went to town and built lights recessed into his board.
Also, this guy went to town and built lights recessed into his board.
bright lights,
cold beers,
is it summer yet?,
long nights,
too much
not to be confused with...
i like america, and america likes me. the 1974 performance piece by joseph beuys. mr. beuys, german, flew to new york city and was transported via ambulance to a performance space in the rené block gallery. there he spent 8 hours, over three days, in a room with a gray felt blanket, and a coyote. for all intents and purposes, mr beuyes never stepped foot in america as he never saw anything other than the airport, and the interior of the gallery. footage of his arrival in nyc is at the beginning of we like america, and america likes us.
thanks emily!
thanks emily!
we like america, and america likes us
this video accompanies an installation as part of the whitney biennial. produced by the bruce high quality foundation, it was probably the only interesting example of video art to be had. to give a little context , the video is projected from inside a ghost busters style, curtained 1972 miller-meteor ambulance/hearse onto the windshield of the vehicle, hence the ghost busters footage. enjoy!
some parts NSFW
some parts NSFW
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