30 April 2013

want to see solange in mccarren park for free on june 16th?

the answer is yes, you do.

click right here and RSVP!

pistol annies - annie up!

new album streaming on amazon.

have you seen the brooklyn toile wallpaper designed by the beastie boys' Mike D (the other Mike D)

featuring scenes of coney island, biggie, hasidic jews, the crooklyn bridge, etc. i want it in my powder room when i get a powder room. (click to enlarge) via

joel are you selling your iphone on ebay?

29 April 2013

it would have been better if the first openly gay NBA player wasn't on the WORST team

i see you jason collins. cutie pie. slice me off a piece of that.

courtney love - NJOY

this is the advertisement they are talking about in this nymag article. looks cool to me.

did you ever see Undefeated, the Oscar winning documentary about the Manassas HS football team in Memphis?

it is streaming on netflix and it is a real tear jerker. i watched the whole thing and mike watched the last half this weekend. i think he liked it even though it has sports.

also this

did you hear about this delta gamma that went hamburger on her sisters via facebook last week? watch this version, created by bryan safi of 2Pz favorite podcast, throwing shade!

i just wanted to show you this.

friends-style game of thrones credits.

thx carlygoogles!

26 April 2013

Joan Rivers in bed with RuPaul

one funny thing

this is the penis that the mars rover drew on the surface of that planet. it will likely be there forever.

25 April 2013

game three in Memphis tonight, hey Grizzlies... WIN

all we do is win win win no matter what

five living presidents

i see you

good work Bartosch brothers

Kellan (above) and Davin (below) are featured in a Memphis Flyer cover story about the craft beer boom and some new breweries opening soon in Memphis. Read the article and go drink Wiseacre beer when it comes out.

UPDATE: another article in the Memphis Business Journal

scary movie night

do you want to see this new ethan hawke horror film? it looks prettty bad, and i have insider information that it is in fact bad, but i would still watch it.

fash-hole of the week!

world's most beautiful woman wears a pretty ugly dress.

what do you think?

here's the story behind boston magazine's tribute cover. 

Beyonce, as Joel in the Domincan Republic

23 April 2013

22 April 2013

summer is coming

can't believe we left this off the playlist for the 6THAICHC. rest assured we won't be making that mistake again #7THAICHC!

shit got real on game of thrones last night


19 April 2013

nothing to see here. just a sloth in love with a cat.


forgot about dre


in other news, yesterday i was listening to radiolab and they were talking about this time that a guy took some closeup pictures of a leopard seal


i was listening to a gross story on radiolab and i googled "botfly" and now i will never be happy again

don't google it

music minute with ms. dangles

hey everyone, Cassie is back! Yes that's right, the Me & U singer dropped a new mixtape earlier this month in advance of a new upcoming album. Ms. Dangles told me I should listen to it because he knows I have a softspot for turn of the century R&B. I downloaded and I've listened twice and now you should too. work! work! work! work!

this boston bombing story just keeps getting weirder

today, while law enforcement tracks down the bomber that they havn't killed yet, this story comes out about a guy who was waiting for his girlfriend to finish the race and was able to indentify the bombers.
Bauman was the first person in surgery at Boston Medical Center. “He woke up under so much drugs, asked for a paper and pen and wrote, ‘bag, saw the guy, looked right at me,’” said Chris Bauman, his brother. While the FBI won't comment on specific tips, Chris Bauman says Jeff met with FBI agents while he was still in intensive care and gave them a detailed description of the suspect.

that is him in the wheelchair up there. the guy in the cowboy hat was a volunteer first responder. the wheelchair guy ended up losing both of his legs. gulp.

18 April 2013


watch this video capturing that texas fertilizer plant explosion. it scared the pants off of me!

gabby giffords truth bombz

she penned an op-ed in the times today:
Speaking is physically difficult for me. But my feelings are clear: I’m furious. I will not rest until we have righted the wrong these senators have done, and until we have changed our laws so we can look parents in the face and say: We are trying to keep your children safe. We cannot allow the status quo — desperately protected by the gun lobby so that they can make more money by spreading fear and misinformation — to go on. (via)

17 April 2013



here's a playlist for this lurvely spraaaang daaaaaaayyyy.

pretty pixies

beautiful collection of images from hong kong's skyline.

the worst octopus video i have seen today

did you know that an octopus can fit under your door and come strangle you in the night?

16 April 2013


oddly entrancing

well, that is just too much.

this made my eyes wet just now.

15 April 2013

it's tax day.

may the odds be ever in your favor!

14 April 2013

why can't you strikethrough titles?

did y'all watch the ice vols guys wearing knife shoes last night?

Yale, the last at-large team to sneak into the tournament, beat three No. 1 seeds en route to the program's first national title with a 4-0 win over Quinnipiac. In what was one of the biggest upsets ever in the Frozen Four, Malcolm tied his season high with 36 saves and helped Yale to only the fifth shutout in the tournament's history.
It was arguably one of the best college hockey games of the season, featuring two rivals located less than eight miles apart in central Connecticut, but Yale put significant distance between the two programs when it scored three goals in the final period.
keep reading here

12 April 2013

friday at 6pm


on sunday!

this pig looks guilty

what friday should feel like if there were more bambi babies and wolf puppies to go around.

11 April 2013

sing it, sister.


crossroads - radiolab's robert johnson story

 For years and years, Jad's been fascinated by the myth of what happened to Robert Johnson at the crossroads in Clarksdale, Mississippi. The story goes like this: back in the 1920s, Robert Johnson wanted to play the blues. But he really sucked. He sucked so much, that everyone who heard him told him to get lost. So he did. He disappeared for a little while, and when he came back, he was different. His music was startling--and musicians who'd laughed at him before now wanted to know how he did it. And according to the now-famous legend, Johnson had a simple answer: he went out to the crossroads just before midnight, and when the devil offered to tune his guitar in exchange for his soul, he took the deal. 

 Producer Pat Walters bravely escorts Jad to the scene of the supposed crime, in the middle of the night in the Mississippi Delta, to try to track down some shred of truth to all this. Not because they really thought something spooky would actually happen, but because deep down, there's a part of this story that--as much as the facts fall apart--still feels kind of true


leave them beavers alone!

they can KILL.

its nErD aLeRt thursday!

a movie about architecture school! just what the world needs!
After years of production, the documentary film Archiculture is set to premiere at this year’s Newport Beach Film Festival, which will commence on April 25th. Highlighting a group of students amidst their final design projects, the film illustrates the strengths and perils of architectural education. Shigeru Ban, Thom Mayne, Ken Frampton and Phil Bernstein are some of the leading architects, educators and historians that will be featured in the film, offering insightful criticism about studio-based, design education as it exists today. (via)
we are optimists at heart, aren't we?

nErD aLeRt!

hey y'all, have you heard about the work MASS design group has been doing in rwanda? go ahead and familiarize yourself with this video, and see if you can spot 2Pz friend tanya paz!
There is a critical balance that comes from first taking the time to understand a community as we did by living there and working side-by-side with local people. Harnessing this new understanding, we were then able to propose powerful new design solutions. Ghanaian architect Joe Ossae-Addo talks about “Inno-native” architecture—a combination of innovation and local tradition. At IDEO.org, where I served in the inaugural class of fellows last year, we used the term “human-centered design” for this methodology. (via)

nErD aLeRt!

MoMA has announced plans to demolish williams & tsien's iconic american folk art museum:
“It’s very rare that a building that recent comes down, especially a building that was such a major design and that got so much publicity when it opened for its design — mostly very positive,” said Andrew S. Dolkart, the director of Columbia University’s historic preservation program. “The building is so solid looking on the street, and then it becomes a disposable artifact. It’s unusual and it’s tragic because it’s a notable work of 21st century architecture by noteworthy architects who haven’t done that much work in the city, and it’s a beautiful work with the look of a handcrafted facade.” (via)
architecture nerds everywhere are starting up one-sentence-long petitions and calling for boycotts. where is ada louise when you need her?

10 April 2013

very important scientific poll : kim zolciak

 please weigh in, above.

my friend just sent me this portrait

nailed it.

pritzker, plz.

here's an interview with the ladies from harvard that created the online petition for denise scott brown's retroactive prizker prize.
Did you get Denise Scott Brown’s blessing to do this? Or you did you do it, and then talk to her after?
Assouline-Lichten: It was very impulsive. I just launched it. I didn’t even think that it’d maybe be a problem. [Laughs.] We actually had a bit of trouble getting in touch with Denise. It took us five days or so.
It was launched on a Wednesday, and then, finally, on Monday I spoke to her on the phone. She was delighted. At that point, there were about 500 signatures. She had been up until 2 a.m. the night before reading the comments on the petition. She was sweet and just so happy to have some recognition. Even if it’s not the Pritzker, it’s a sign that that the public loves you and appreciates your work. That’s very touching for her. She’s super happy about this whole thing. (via)
the most interesting part is that the GSD cafeteria is called the "chauhaus". nerd alert.

sign the petition here.

anthony and huma profile

the weiners tell all in the new york times magazine, and there are some cute hillary anecdotes, too.
By June 1, when Weiner said, “I can’t say with certitude” if the picture was of him, it was clear, at least to most of the world, that he was guilty of something. That weekend, Weiner and Abedin escaped to a friend’s house in the Hamptons to get away from all the “hoopla,” as Weiner calls it, “and that’s when people starting coming out of the woodwork. I got a call from Chris Cuomo saying that they had someone who was going to say that I texted with her. It reached this point where I just sat down with Huma and said, ‘Listen, I can’t. . . . I don’t want to lie.’ . . . I just didn’t want to lie anymore to her.” Here, his voice cracks and tears well up in his eyes. “I have a choppy memory of it, but she was devastated. She immediately said, ‘Well you’ve got to stop lying to everyone else too.’ And basically we drove back to the city, and she said: ‘You’ve just got to tell everyone the truth. Telling me doesn’t help any.’ It was brutal. It was completely out of control. There was the crime, there was the cover-up, there was harm I had done to her. And there’s no one who deserved this less than Huma. That’s really the bottom line. No one deserved to have a dope like me do that less than she did.” (via)

09 April 2013

brood II is coming!

After a 17-year hiatus, billions of cicadas are expected to crawl out of the ground this spring and swarm the U.S. East Coast.
According to the New York Daily News, teeming hordes of Brood II cicadas will likely emerge sometime between mid-April and late May. The insects are expected to fill the skies from North Carolina through New England with a noisy chorus that has been compared to the rumble of a New York City subway train.
"Brood II is a periodic cicada that hatches out every 17 years," Craig Gibbs, an entomologist at the Wildlife Conservation Society's Queens Zoo, told CBS News.
"It'll be noisy. There's no getting around the noise," he said, adding that the insects will be identifiable by their dark-colored bodies and the bright red of their eyes and wing veins. (via)
i fucking love cicadas, for some reason.

thx thomas wilhelm!

i bet you 10 dollars you cant watch / listen to this video without cracking up.

very, very clever. VERY, very clever! it's going! it's going!!

did you know that game of thrones is just actors acting?

click here to see them all being normal irl.

thx nsikan!

it's new music tuesday!

there's a lot of exciting releases today:

james blake - overgrown

villagers - {awayland}


08 April 2013

Navy finally catches up with "Real Genius" style weapons

and they are sending them to the gulf

 "a prototype shipboard laser will be deployed on a converted amphibious transport and docking ship in the persian gulf, where iranian fast-attack boats have harassed american warships and where the government in tehran is building remotely piloted aircraft carrying surveillance pods and, some day potentially, rockets."

 you should click the link to see their video of how it works, but it's pretty much like this. \/

give that bitch a pritzker already

why doesnt denise scott
brown already have a pritzker prize?

read this Q&A with the lady herself for some insight.

My ideas went where I couldn’t go, you could say. My ideas were credited, but they were credited to Bob. Nancy Trainer describes how she was the project manager at a meeting we had with a client’s group where we were talking with the board about a stadium and it had to have six seats added to it all around. I had an idea about how to do it, and I whispered something to Bob about it. And he said, “Yes, I agree with you. It’s a good idea.” Then I said the idea to the client. Bob had not said anything, but by the end of the meeting, they were referring to it as Bob’s idea.

have you heard of the pitch drop?

i was just listening to this radiolab about how we understand speed, and they mentioned one of the longest running science experiments called the pitch drop.

The first Professor of Physics at the University of Queensland, Professor Thomas Parnell, began an experiment in 1927 to illustrate that everyday materials can exhibit quite surprising properties. The experiment demonstrates the fluidity and high viscosity of pitch, a derivative of tar once used for waterproofing boats. At room temperature pitch feels solid - even brittle - and can easily be shattered with a blow from a hammer. It's quite amazing then, to see that pitch at room temperature is actually fluid!
In 1927 Professor Parnell heated a sample of pitch and poured it into a glass funnel with a sealed stem. Three years were allowed for the pitch to settle, and in 1930 the sealed stem was cut. From that date on the pitch has slowly dripped out of the funnel - so slowly that now, 80 years later, the ninth drop is only just forming.
you can follow along at home by clicking here.

lady olenna tyrell, aka the queen of thorns

aka, diana rigg, aka emma peel in the avengers, aka 60s feminist sex icon. the more you know.

game of thrones season 3 episode 2

RIP iron lady

margaret thatcher : DEAD.

kenya moore - gone with the wind fabulous

not desperate at all. 

05 April 2013

this is the way i feel about an italian sub

thx flim

oh my god the new Carrie movie with Chloe Moretz and Julianne Moore is going to be awesome

25 bears old

just try to listen to this album without singing along. released on April 5, 1988

an assignment for all dog-owning 2Pz readers.

put pantyhose on your dog. it's all the rage in china, and that place isn't fucked up at all.

04 April 2013

the great gatsby

super. pumped.

thanks nyt

every once in a while the nyt features all the adorable puppies. today they have a piece on how to name your pooch. A subject that is important to me because i'm preparing to get a doggie this summer. hopefully he (or she) will look as CEYUTE as this guy. his name is blackout.

keekerz speakerz

cant stop wont stop.

look at bey go

03 April 2013

thomas wilhelm, will you go see this movie with me?

does anyone else want to go?

fortnightly boat

speaking of buckwild, don't drink and boat.

I was the one who threw the beer, he was really drunk the first beer we threw he caught one handed like a ninja. The second one he didn't have quite as much grace it hit him right in the chin. The can blew up on his tooth when he came up he had a gash almost through his lip and he was wiggling his tooth it looked like it was about ready to fall out. (via)
yip skiddly doooooo!!

did you watch buckwild?

remember shane gandee, known for his backwoods hijinks and also for gandee candy?

well, he's DEAD.

died doing what he loved: muddin'.

friend of 2pz rachel is having a purp urp shurp!

PLUS chocolate brunch! y'all should go.

does this sound familiar?

the new york times has finally gotten around to a story that 2pz has been writing about for months and months. it seems that some well educated white people are moving to memphis to teach the poor black kids, and some people aren't sure it is a good idea! go figure.

02 April 2013

some vintage tropical wallpaper is where my head is at right now

i'm a pretty llama

the knife - shaking the habitual

it's streaming here.

there's no crying at the white house easter egg hunt

bo obama will lick the tears from your cheeks and the president of the united states will give you a hug and a pep talk.
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